Monday, June 24, 2013

Revive the Old, Glory Days of Manila!!!

On the 442nd Manila Day, all I ever wish is to see it prosper (again) and revive all the vintage streets, buildings, and infrastructures, which are now only visible in books and online travel blogs.

Please, new Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada, revive, for instance, Escolta and the Metropolitan Theater! Who doesn't want to walk on cobbled pavements and to Instagram photos of Neo-Classical, Art Nouveau and Art Deco buildings?

If only we can revive Escolta's Tranvia, Manila's first cable car station. If we can only see concerts in the chic-ly designed Metropolitan Theater. If we can hear the footsteps of calesa thumping on cobbled streets. If only...

Escolta's tranvia

People dressed to the nines walking on cobbled pavements unworried of snatchers and rapists.

What about the abandoned Metropolitan Theater? The busy Manila has forgotten how people used to religiously watch concerts, plays, dances, then.

*photo credits in order:,, wikipilipinas

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