Monday, February 20, 2012


The remaining months of my University-stay have been full of initial experiences. Apparently, I’ve been making the most out of the lingering days of my college life, and I’m not regretting any of them.
(P.S. While still keeping my morals LOL)
Get togethers, singles’ night out, later-than-usual home arrival, V-day party (sort of, with my friends) and other “shenanigans” I’d rather keep to myself.
… by the time that I’ll step out of the comforts of my University, I’ll be heading towards the corporate phase of life that I guess , I cannot afford these things anymore. Work will be my priority.
Peg lately: young, wild and free.   

Speaking of firsts, I had a dengue + UTI last week, and it was my first ever real disease, thank God it was diagnosed early so I wasn't confined in the hospital. *whew* 

I had a "major disease" last week but I still had to go to school because it was our thesis defense! I was allowed not to participate in the defense, but i'd rather use my remaining energy, and hoarse voice to contribute something to my forward to ending: we aced our defense! Thank God! Credits to my friends/thesismates: Bianca, Demi, and Joanne and our adviser, sir Kliatchko! 

*photos from Bianca.
For full thesis story: here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

hope in a jar

Hell yeah. Pursuit of Happyness nailed it.
I'll be graduating soon, in less than two months. Let's make the best out of the remaining college days, okay?
Current mood: excited
*thanks to 9gag for the inspiring photo