Tuesday, September 30, 2008

don't judge me im not a book

"basta kulot salot...basta kulot salot.." this is a funny lyrics from rocksteady's new single called"boy kulot" yes it is funny but at the same time the lyrics is catchy and would make you think "hey!where did they got their idea that kulots are salot?"

In a world of prejudices, it is inevitable to formulate self-made theories, concepts and guidelines against other people and to believe to the myths and truths imposed by our society. Every time I walk down the street or window shop in malls i tend to look and assess at passersby the way they walk and the way they dress up. I made mental calculations and impressions on them- the incognitos are hold uppers, fair skinned girls are sosyal and rich, good looking couples will eventually split and other funny concepts i would rather keep to myself. i even grew a feeling of irritation with our bisaya neighborhood because she has that irritating accent and would always end her sentence with a day or dung! Mind you though, she is not a maid. Oops, what maid err rather made me think that bisayas are maid? i guess Rocksteady and i have the same outlook huh?

We judge people- it is human nature. But where did we get the basis of these preconceived notions? where else but on television, mags and newspapers ayt? These media types are part of our everyday lives. They are inevitable, authoritative- they have the capacity to dictate what is in or baduy fashion wise, to tell us what to do and what to think about.

Media can cultivate, foster, promote, refine and pursue the way we see and perceive things- our outlook in life. They send us codes that- beautiful girls are boobies and airhead, damsel in distress should have her own prince charming and the like, but what if our standards and expectations are not met by what these codes are telling us?

Admit it- mags, tv, radio and newspapers are powerful tool that shape and contour the culture and society's way of thinking. But are they manipulative enough to the extent that we are brainwashed and are total replicas of what we see or hear on tv and other media types? How do we see the world? HOw do we differentiate and interpret reality from what is not?

i looove clothes, accesories and other fashion items. I do have my monthly issue of candy, meg or you mag. I consult the trends that i know will suit my personality. Though, i do not always follow what is in. I am not passive to just receive the influx of ideas without filtering them. I hate why everyone is wearing colored skinny jeans. I even saw a manang wearing a bright red pants paired with big bow headband. Imagine?!

But amidst all the judgement, cultivated ideas and truths told, if our purpose of using media is soley for entertainment and for past time we can not be brainwashed easily by what tv and magazine is saying. Purpose is the name of the game. It really depends on the consumer's purpose.

We have our own minds, we should be in control of our activities and not the other way around. Weigh down things. Do more productive activities rather than watch tv all day...

guys we are not robots...it's just mind over matter..

btw, kulots are not salot...my friend is kinda curly but she is not salot duh?! =)