Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Robbery, murder, rape has been part of the daily news programs that the audience becomes apathetic towards these stories. The news about a  Chinese kid, who has been brain dead after run over twice, proves the indifference and callous minds of people.
Nakaka-inis at nakaka-lungkot lang, dahil wala ng pakialam ang tao sa kapwa nila! Urgh.
This brings me back to one of my favorite poems, "Man of My Time" by Italian poet Salvatore Quasimodo.

You are still made of stone and sling,
man of my time. You were the cock-pit

with the malign wings, the sundial of death,
-I have seen you- in the chariot of fire, at the gallows
at the wheels of torture. I have seen you: it was you 
with your exact science persuaded to extermination
without love, without Christ. Again, as always, you
have killed, as did your father kill, as did
the animals that saw you for the first time, kill
and this blood smells as on the day 
one brother told the other brother: "Let us
go into the fields." And that echo, chill, tenacious, 
has reached down to you, within your day.
Forget, o sons, the clouds of blood 
risen from the earth, forget the fathers:
their tombs sink down ashes black birds, the wind cover their heart.

Ever since we discussed this poem in our Literature class, "Man of My Time" has become one my favorite poems. The subject deals with man's efficiency in killing his neighbors as time goes by. 'Killing' may not be taken per se, it may allude to man's detachment and indifference in life; still Quasimodo's work transcends through time, and is most applicable today. 
The following are pictures taken from the Daily Mail.

Apathetic man walking past the poor child.

Dead malice

Finally, after 20 passers by, a compassionate lady!

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