Tuesday, October 18, 2011

bring home the bacon

My very much awaited semestral break, has been, how will I explain it, a tad boring? I’ve been wanting to fast forward my first semester in order to take a time off, yet here I am, wishing to fast forward it again do something  prolific.
I caught myself doing routine stuff for the past week: reading, surfing the net, sleeping, shopping, daydreaming, reading, surfing the net, sleeping, shopping, daydreaming. Yes you got the picture.  
I’m looking forward to going back to my hometown after almost a year of absence. It’s just that my brother’s final exam week has been stopping us from going back home.  Urgh!
Activities are waiting for me in Laguna: travelling and bonding with my high school friends, missed them so much!
But since we’re still in Manila, here’s the rundown of my activities, just in case you’re interested:

Reading my pending books
I am currently reading Nabokov’s Lolita. The book is divided into two parts. I am done with the first part that talks on Humbert and Lolita’s love affair. Humbert is a pedophile and has managed to marry Lolita’s mother in order to get close to Lolita. Fast forward to the death of Lolita’s mother, the two eventually entered into an erotic/pedophilic/incest-like relationship. I have stopped reading the first two chapters of the second book because it bores me. The chapters just tell the journey of the father and daughter around America. I so wanted to skip these chapters and read the climax, which obviously I still have no idea.
In case you’ve been reading my past entries, I am currently obsessed with classical reads so Aesop’s Fables, Jane Austen’s Emma and Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince are still waiting for me.

Shopping (teehee)
When not reading my pocketbooks, I do manage to visit malls and shop. My recent purchases are basic loose tops with lace details. I am in love with laces. <3
Tops from Landmark:

Blabbing in my blog.

Current mood state: wanting to go back home!

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