Sunday, April 3, 2011


Pardon my random lamentation and constant blathering. This entry is a whirlwind, aiming particularly to nothing.

I.Sense and sensibilities
Who says that life’s fair? Nah-uh, it isn’t. George Orwell states in his “Animal Farm” that “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” a maxim which I firmly believe.

Yonder, I am not discussing animals here.

Every man possesses same faculties, however each differs on how he uses his senses and sensibilities. Conversely, there are times when man properly exercises his faculties but the society hinders his expression of individuality.

My point is (sometimes) no matter how hard one tries to achieve his aspirations, there are outward forces—environment, hierarchy, time—which can hamper the realization of the aim.

II.What the Hell?
“All my life I’ve been good but now I’m thinking what the hell? ”
“All I want is to mess around and I don’t really care about.”

I love these excerpt from Avril’s “What the Hell.”
I wish I couldn’t care but hell, I mind. Yeap, I think, I think too much…

*photo taken from google images

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