Tuesday, July 3, 2012

hey july!

I would like to debunk the notion that opportunities are scarce and unreachable. Echoing what Bo Sanchez and Byrne’s The Secret said, blessings, breaks and opportunities are unlimited, renewable sources. A god of abundance exists, Sanchez affirmed.

I say amen.

My good friend recently resigned from a fine job post because the “job bored her” and could not see herself growing from her first job. I do not know where she got the courage to discontinue her stint in Corporate Communications, perhaps she also read Bo and Byron? I would like to think that I, sort of, influenced her since I did the same once, I left a notable company for the same reason.

Yep, we are audacious bitches!

However, our decisions do not declare and encourage anybody to be fickle-minded quitters. We are simply following our hearts and guts. My friend is considering shifting career towards Computer Engineering, a pole apart from Journalism. If that would make her happy, who’s there to object?  Good luck to our work ventures and paths, may the odds be with us!
Do not be stuck somewhere for too long, yearn growth, but always have in mind: bloom where you are (temporarily) planted.  
May our July be good. J