Friday, May 25, 2012

review: oil cleanser

I follow a very basic facial routine, cleanse and moisturize, and I thought why not add another 'step' in my daily beauty regime.
I happened to read in some other blogs that Koreans follow a five-step skin care routine:

  1. double cleanse (cleansing oil + facial wash)
  2. mask/pack
  3. tone 
  4. moisturize 

Hence, their radiant and porcelain-like complexion. Their procedure is tedious and demanding, huh! Haha. Anyway, I am neither a make-up expert nor a beauty guru but for a first timer, I will give Pure Beauty Cleansing Oil a relatively high point for it has able to remove my HerBench Paintbox semi-permanent eyeliner.

rate: 3/5
pros: leaves a softer skin afterwards, can remove semi-permanent eyeliner
cons: has fish oil-like smell

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